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Русистика (литература, лингвистика, культура)

Vilnius University
Lithuania, Vilnius
Faculty of Philology Lithuania, Universiteto str. 5, 01513 Vilnius
Tuition fee €5,266 per year

Размер платы за обучение может быть изменен в соответствии с национальным законодательством

Application fee €100 per year

The application fee is non-refundable.

More information



The Russian Studies (literature, linguistics, culture) programme aims to train well-qualified analysts and researchers of Russian literature, culture, and linguistics, who are aware of the needs of contemporary society, can think critically and work independently and responsibly with Russian texts of various genres. The programme enables the graduates to solve the theoretical and practical problems related to the issues of the current state of the language, literature, and culture, both in their professional activities and in the broader sphere of (inter)cultural communication.
Russian Studies consist of subjects in Russian language and linguistics, Russian literature and literary studies, and Russian culture. Students can choose the topic and problem of their Master’s thesis.

Career opportunities

Graduates can work in cultural, educational and scientific institutions, state and public institutions, international organisations, business and service companies, media, publishing, and public spheres related to contemporary art and media, as well as in the academic sphere and do research work in higher education institutions in the field of the Russian language, literature, culture, text production and (inter-)cultural communication.

Graduates can also become freelance or self-employed content creators, publishers and creative communicators.

Apply now! Fall semester 2024/25
Application deadline
1 Jul 2024, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2024

Application deadlines apply to citizens of: United States

Apply now! Fall semester 2024/25
Application deadline
1 Jul 2024, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2024

Application deadlines apply to citizens of: United States